Friday, April 13, 2012

Trail blazing

So, instead of finishing all of the separate documents and then piecing them together I decided to jump straight in and begin fashioning the Dorms and dragons core rules. When I'm finished I'll have to find someone to edit it as well as someone to guide me through the OGL confusion. Oh yeah, and I need original artwork since a lot of what I have is taken from google images, other books, and other bloggers. So far i'm 33 pages in and almost done with the section on classes. So far I've completed:

Preface/ Intro
Ability Scores and generation
and 8 of 10 classes.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Heap of Trouble

So best friend/ rules editor is officially "burnt out on DnD" so I've got no one to bounce rule changes off of despite the progress I'm making. This could very well be problematic. I'm hitting a spot where its necessary that I bounce ideas off of people regarding nit-picky mechanics like two weapon fighting and ability score generation.

Maybe when I get a few readers I could bounce ideas off of them.