The sanity rules are based off of the original akratic wizardry design. There isn't much change between the two systems, other than the mind save vs. insanity. This particular rule can be useful in horror or swords and sorcery-heavy style adventures.
Witnessing supernatural
horrors and arcane secrets can drive adventurers mad. To simulate this, treat a
character’s WIS as a sanity score. A character with high WIS has a Confucian grasp of the nature of
reality, self-discipline, and remarkable strength of will. A character with a WIS of
3 is barely lucid, easily confuses reality with fantasy, and is on the border
of lapsing into madness. Characters with WIS score of 2
or lower are insane, and must be treated as NPCs. (If this WIS loss is
temporary, the character is under GM control until they regain sanity.) If a character witnesses
an unspeakable horror, the GM may require the player to make a Mind Save 15+/- by the
severity of the horror. If the character fails their saving throw, they lose points of
temporary WIS. The exact amount should be determined by rolling 1d6. If a ‘6’ is rolled, the character
also permanently loses one point of Wisdom (i.e., one permanent point of
WIS and five temporary points). Temporarily lost points of WIS may be regained at a rate of one point
per day of complete rest.
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