Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rules: Skills 2

Characters choose three starting skills at character creation from this list, but skills outside this list could also be chosen to aid with a characters theme. The skills Animal Handling and Swindle are used in conjunction with the Labyrinth Lord reaction tables, and saves (more tomorrow) are categorized into three types Mind (mind altering effects), Body (poison, paralysis, etc.), and Reflex (area of effect, traps, etc.) saves. Shorthand MS, BS, and RS. I use the Table of Bloody Dismemberment for wounds, which is what first aid is supposed to help. Encumbrance is worked differently in my campaign, so more on that later.

(DEX) DC 15+/- Feats of balance and precision, modified by distance and difficulty. Slow fall to avoid damage at +5 DC per 10’. +2 DC per encumbrance point

Animal Handling - (WIS) DC 10 + HD to better reaction of animal. Lower on failure. +3 DC per attempt. Modified by food.

Astronomy - (INT) DC 13+ must be outside at night to predict astronomical phenomena. -5 DC with astrolabe. Navigate gains +2 with Astronomy, able to navigate at night

Climbing – (DEX) DC 15+/- to climb improbable surfaces with proper gear. +5 DC without gear. +2 DC per encumbrance point

Craft (Armor) – (STR) DC 10 + AC bonus. Takes AC bonus worth of days to complete and 1d6 x AC go for materials

Craft (Object) – (STR) DC 13+/- for the creation of a specific object. For weapons +3 DC per weapon size. Must have appropriate tools, materials, and workspace

Decipher/Scribe – (INT) DC 15+/- Use knowledge of language and writing to decipher cryptic or ancient texts and glyphs. Can also be used to make accurate forgeries  

Disguise – (CHA) DC 13+/- to make the disguise, then roll a disguise rating: d20 + CHA mod. + Skill bonus = DC MS an opponent must make to recognize the character. Requires a disguise kit 

Dowsing – (WIS) DC 15+/- Using a dowsing rod, one may find water, minerals, herbs, or ley lines. Or not.

First Aid – (WIS) DC 15+/- to stabilize a major wound. Or, roll vs. disease/ poison DC to allow victim a save reroll with + skill mod. bonus
Legerdemain – (DEX) DC 15+/- a.k.a. sleight of hand. Use to pick pockets (as robbing), palm daggers, etc. Failure twice gets you caught

Lore (???) – (INT) DC varies from basic information of a subject (DC 10) to expert knowledge (DC 30). Must first be trained, receives skill XP from research (+1d10/hour), not success

Navigation – (INT) DC 15+/- Trained to use maps, compasses, etc. to path-find. Success can find short cuts and prevents getting lost.

Perform – (CHA) DC 13+/- gain gold equal to degree of success x 1d6. Failure angers patrons. 1 attempt per location, takes full turn

Pick Locks – (DEX) DC range from Simple locks (DC 10) to Master locks (DC 30). 2 attempts per lock and requires proper tools

Stealth – (DEX) DC 13+/- Used to hide/move silently in natural cover or shadows. Make the stealth check then roll a stealth rating: d20 + DEX mod. + Skill bonus = DC MS

Survival – (CON) DC 13+ Skilled at surviving in the wild while sustaining and enduring the elements. Gain +2 to tracking and navigation in the wild

Swindle - (CHA) DC 13+/- through gambling/trickery gain or lose gold based on degree of success/failure x 1d6. Swindle can also be used on NPCs like animal handling, or for haggling.

Tinkering – (DEX) DC 15+/- Used to manipulate mechanical devices and create new mechanisms. Often used to sabotage or create small traps. Tools and parts needed and mechanism must be visible to tinker with it. Tinker DC is equal to a traps Reflex Save number.

Tracking – (WIS) DC varies from soft ground (DC 10) to hard ground (DC 25). Used to follow tracks left by enemies and modified -/+3 DC for creature size and weather  

When starting, note that skills that encompass any kind of previous profession or talent, should be cleared with the GM. When in doubt, use DC 15+/- and be sure it isn’t a craft skill! (E.g. chariot driving, seamanship, underwater basket weaving, etc.)

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