Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rules: Combat #2

Day two of combat rules, this time with my take on critical hits and fumbles, mounted combat, surprise, initiative, and BUM BUM BUUUUM Advantage and Disadvantage. After reading through and getting a little play out of the playtest document of DnD Next, I can say that Advantage Disadvantage intrigues me BUT the math never conforms with the results. Mechanically, it is a +5 or -5 bonus. I do like that. If I can refresh any memories, the Dorms and Dragon' everything system is based off a difficulty of 15+/- with sliding modifier range. A +/-5 modifier sounds great and easy to me. But I changed the Advantage/Disadvantage mechanic because the results never fit with the math during play; you are still rolling d20s and you are still getting vastly different numbers. This way you are GUARANTEED a +/-1d4 (5% to 20% modifier either way) instead of TAKE A BAD NUMBER. Let me know what you guys think!

On a critical hit (20 on d20), damage is rolled twice with modifiers for STR applying once. Combat maneuver criticals double the effect. Critical fumbles (1 on d20) enact a mishap decided by the GM, usually disarming, self-wounding, etc.

If one has advantage or disadvantage on a check, attack, or saving throw, one rolls 1d4 and adds or subtracts it from their roll; add 1d4 for advantage, and subtract 1d4 for disadvantage If one has both advantage and disadvantage for any reason, the two cancel each other out. Certain conditions and circumstances may incite advantage or disadvantage, but GM ruling can grant either.

When fighting on a mount, the character cannot be attacked by ground soldiers, only ranged attacks or long weapons. Melee attacks must be made against the mount’s AC. If a mount is struck, a morale check is made. If the check fails, the mount is startled, and will take a round to calm before they can move again. Mounted combatants can perform a charge attack, increasing damage die size by one. Weapons set against a charge will always hit first and, if successful, cancel the charge. When performing a ranged attack from a mount, riders receive a -3 missile to-hit.

Whenever there is a need to check for surprise, the GM rolls 1d6 for each monster and character. A 1-2 on d6 means the subject is surprised and can’t act for the first round. Initiative is rolled directly after surprise.

Initiative is rolled for each subject individually with a d10, adding modifiers for DEX and weapons. The numbers are then ordered from high to low, and denote the order characters can take actions during combat. Characters can hold their action to move lower on the initiative order list, and when all have acted, the round is over and the list repeats.

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