Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Rules: Morale

The GM always decides whether NPCs surrender or run. Players always have the choice of how they deal with a particular situation. Every foe or NPC has a morale score from 2-12. A morale of 2 causes a foe to run away at any sign of conflict, while a foe with a morale of 12 will always fight to the death. Morale checks are made when one side has lost a member, or when half the group on a side are slain or dispatched. When rolling for a morale check, roll 2d6, if the roll is higher than the morale score of the opponent, the check fails and they will attempt retreat. If the result is equal to or lower than the score, they will continue to fight. The GM can add modifiers to morale ad hoc. Hireling morale score is determined by their employer PC's Charisma score. More on ability scores tomorrow.

(The morale system I used in Dorms and Dragons is wholesale the same as Labyrinth Lord's system.) 

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