Monday, July 2, 2012

Rules: My Take on Hitpoints

Hit points are an abstraction of the bruises, scrapes, and close calls a character takes before they are wounded, so, hit points don’t measure damage to one’s body, just how exhausted one is before they do get hurt and roll on the Table of Wounds. Because of this, HP is fully restored after 8 hours of rest in a safe place. A Flagon of Wine, or other strong drink, can also be used to regain 1d6 HP once per day. Flagons of Wine cause intoxication, incurring penalties, damage reduction, and an increase to morale

If a PC reaches 0 HP, roll 1d10 and consult the Table of Wounds. With any result the character is unconscious unless magical healing or first aid brings hit points into the positive range. If dropped to 0 again, roll at -1 (cumulative for each roll). The GM can also give modifiers by circumstance.

Table of Wounds
0 or lower
Grisly Death- Body is destroyed, no chance of resurrection.
He’s Dead Jim- Dead as per the usual rules

Fatal Wound- Dies in 1d6 turns unless magical healing, tourniquet, fire, etc. is applied. Character is incapacitated and requires 3d6 weeks of healing.

Mangled Limb- Roll for which limb, Unconscious for 3d6 rounds and requires 3d4 weeks to heal. -2 to rolls when applicable. Fatal Wound if on head.
Broken Bone- Roll for limb. Unconscious for 2d6 rounds. 3d4 weeks to heal -1 to rolls when applicable. Fatal Wound if on head.
Knocked Out-  Unconscious for 2d6 rounds
10 or Higher
Stunned- for 1d4 rounds. Unconscious for 2d6 if not wearing a helm.

Roll a 1d6 for body hit locations
Body Part
Left Arm
Right Arm
Left Leg
Right Leg

Magical Healing of Long Term Wounds - 
Each magic healing spell reduces wound healing time by 1 week
. Only one healing is allowed per day, and it requires constant attention (12 hours) of the healer.  Full rations and double rest for 16 hours is required. 
Notes on Broken Bones – Strong magic can fix a mangled limb with a chance (2 in 6) that bones don't heal right. Effects best determined ad hoc.

Cure of non-magical diseases and poisons- Treatment typically takes 3d4 days and costs roughly 50go per HD of the creature for proper medicines. Complete bed rest and full rations required.

Resting After Combat - After combat, any character that lost HP may spend 1 turn resting and treating their wounds to regain 1d4 HP. This includes magicians resting after drain from spell casting. Resting only heals if damage or exhaustion was sustained during the combat.

Helmets Are Important! - Particularly intelligent enemies may try (chance of 1 of 6) to aim for the unarmored (AC 10) head. It can also save a life when rolling for wounds.

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